vollkontakt SABRE @ fluc wanne, wien
Wed, 02.06.10 | 22:00
Fluc Wanne, Wien

Support: Vollkontakt & Fogbusters
MILEX (mike:l b2b alex schürz)
Sabre 'A Wandering Journal' LP
"Writing A Wandering Journal has been liberating beyond expression. Its a project I've had developed and hibernating for so long that looking back, I know that if it'd been left any longer it wouldn't have been realised to its true potential. All the unwritten details of the concept and the loose narrative would have faded in my mind. Creating it when I did, whilst the concept was still strong in my mind, and my musical output was amongst the most free-spirited of my career was perfect timing. And its spurned me on to be even more ambitious with what I create in the future. I have to approach a new frontier now that this album is complete, and the current multimedia landscape is the perfect playground in which to elaborate on what I stand for creatively."
Audio - http://www.criticalmusic.com/awanderingjournal/